The «Developer portal» screen can be accessed from the configuration menu.
When accessing this screen, two tabs appear which redirect to the «Environment» and «Developer portal» subscreens.
Enviroment #
The «Environment» screen is the one that appears by default when accessing the developer portal.
If no environment has been added yet, you should see a message indicating this and the add environment button in the center of the screen.
Once you click on add environment a form opens where firstly you have to choose whether the environment is to be linked by primary key or by token. Secondly, there are two dropdowns to choose the API Manager and the environment. And finally, you must fill in the form fields, which will change depending on the binding method previously chosen.
Developer portal #
The «Developer portal» screen is the second tab when accessed from the menu. Clicking on the tab takes you to this screen.
If no developer portal has been added yet, you should see a message indicating this and the add developer portal button in the center of the screen.
It is important to note that in order to add a developer portal you must have previously created an environment since one of the fields to fill in the form is to choose one of the created environments.
Once you click on add environment a form opens where firstly you have to choose between two options: create new developer portal or link existing developer portal. Secondly, the drop-down field «environment» appears to choose one of the created environments. And finally, you must fill in the form fields, which will change depending on the previously chosen way of adding a developer.