The «Branches and pipelines» screen can be accessed from the configuration menu. Here we can modify the API First cycle both in development and in production, although we must take into account that in production we can only modify the API Manager we want to deploy with.
Edit branche #
To edit or modify the API First cycle in the development environment, click on the edit icon, which will take you to the branch edit view.
In this view, we see the stages available for inclusion in the API First cycle, these tools are grouped by categories. Each tool can be added to the cycle, removed from the cycle, edited and in the cases of Microcks, Sonarqube and Newman it will be possible to activate or deactivate the score that is calculated. This score, if enabled, will be part of the score we calculate for the API.
Edit pipeline #
Within each branch, we can edit the pipeline to be executed. To do this we have to click on the API First Cycle button.
A text editor will open with the current yaml of the pipeline that we can modify. Once modified, we click on save the changes made.
Edit stage #
In addition to editing the pipeline, each stage can be modified by clicking on «Edit stage» in the configuration menu. Editing will open a text editor to modify the yaml to be executed.
Add stage #
In the development environment new stages can be added according to the needs of the organization. we will place name and description of the stage and we will write in the text editor the yml code of the customized stage.