Deploy in Wso2 with wso2cli

Using wso2apim-cli

The best way to develop an APIOps cycle with WSO2 is by using the WSO2APIM-CLI.

The APICLI allows you to import and export the API project (API + WSO2 configuration) within a single environment.

arquitecture wso2apim-cli
enable wso2 config in apiops cycle

Deploying Wso2 in APIQuality

With APIQuality, it is easier to deploy in WSO2. You only need to enable it in the APIOps cycle and configure the username, password, and URL for the API Manager.

Easy and fast!

When you are on the API screen, you can view the APIOps cycle. In the Deployment section for WSO2, configure the stage with the api.yaml file, which will be used for the deployment.

In the end, hit play and enjoy! It’s easy and fast!

deploying in wso2 with api.yaml

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