API Rating

Did you know that APIQuality gives you the opportunity to rate the performance of your APIs? Thanks to the new API rating system you will be able to know how your API is performing and find the most important points for improvement. In this article, we will see what’s new in the APIQuality rating system.

The API Rating in APIQuality has the following dimensions: 

  • Definition (Linting,  styles guide similarity and mocking)
  • Security (definition and execution)
  • Testing
dimensions for api rating (definition-security-testing-mocking)

API Definition rating

The definition has three dimensions as well: format (Linter),  style guide similarity (Sonar) and mocking. APIQuality uses Sonar and the plugin Sonar API  to generate ratings for style guide similarity. Additionally, it uses redocly-cli the linting rating and integrates Microcks to directly obtain mocking ratings.

Api definition rating using sonar for styles guides and redocly

API Security rating

The API Security rating should be calculated using definition and executions runners. APIQuality uses Sonar and Sonar OpenApi plugin to calculate the security rating. Additionally, uses OWASP zap (soon) to calculate de API Security rating.

api security rating

API Testing rating

The API Testing rating is calculated using OK and KO responses for an execution tool. APIQuality uses Newman and Postman to calculate the API Testing rating.

api testing rating

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